Pulled Glute Muscle

Pulled Glute Muscle: How to Treat a Pulled Gluteus Maximus

Your gluteus maximus is a powerful muscle that helps you perform many everyday activities. It’s easy to take this muscle for granted until it starts to…

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

A hypertonic pelvic floor refers to the condition where the muscles in the pelvic floor are constantly tightened or contracted. This continuous contraction may…

Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage

Difference Between Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage

Swedish and Deep Tissue are two popular types of massage therapies. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are key differences between the two. A…

Car Accident Physical Therapy

Car Accident Physical Therapy: a Patient Guide

Car accident physical therapy, also known as auto accident rehabilitation, is a specialized form of therapeutic intervention. It’s designed to reduce…

Degenerative Disc Disease

Things to Avoid with Degenerative Disc Disease

What types of physical activities should I avoid with Degenerative Disc Disease?It’s crucial to note that while regular moderate exercise is beneficial…

ball of foot pain

Ball of Foot Pain: a Guide to Causes

Why Does the Ball of My Foot Hurt?The ball of your foot, the pad just behind your toes, is vulnerable to different injuries and conditions which can result in…

Neck Pain from Sleeping

Neck Pain from Sleeping

Neck hurts after sleeping: what are the most common causes?Neck pain after sleeping is not an uncommon experience for many individuals. It is often caused by a…

Why Is It Hard To Stand Up After Squatting

Why Is It Hard To Stand Up After Squatting?

Why Squat Anyway?As you get older or are more sedentary after working from home throughout the pandemic, it may seem more difficult to stand up straight after…

what is tendinitis

What is Tendinitis?

If you’ve heard people talk about suffering from tennis elbow or runner’s knee, they’re referring to forms of tendinitis. Tendinitis is an inflammation or…

Active Release Technique

Understanding Active Release Technique

If you’re suffering from a sports injury, an overuse impairment or chronic pain, it can be helpful to consider therapy in the form of Active Release Technique…

What to Do for a Stiff Knee

What to Do for a Stiff Knee

It’s no fun to have a stiff knee or to feel aches and pains in your knee joints. Knees are so central to our ability to move easily, that any hiccup in their…

home office ergonomics

Working from Home Ergonomics: A Guide to Preventing Injuries

As the days of the pandemic turned into months, it became obvious to Canadians working from home that their makeshift office settings were leading to…

benefits of physical therapy

The Benefits of Physical Therapy Throughout Your Life

Many people associate physical therapy with injury. You see your physical therapist when you’ve sprained an ankle playing tennis or injured a knee while…

new mother pain

New Mother Aches and Pains: How Physiotherapy Can Help

Pregnancy is a wonderful, joyful time for many expectant mothers, but it can be accompanied by a slew of physical discomforts: heartburn, headaches, morning…

overuse injuries

The Scoop on Overuse Injuries

As research has shown, exercise is extremely beneficial for both our body and our mind. It keeps the body strong and healthy so it can fight off illness…

airplane back pain

Preventing Back Pain for Flight Crews and Travellers

Air travel is a fact of life for many of us, whether because it’s our livelihood, our work demands it or we want to explore places that are most easily…

warehouse work back pain

Warehouse Work Causing Back Pain

With the rise of Internet shopping, the warehouse – and the warehouse worker – has become a more visible part of the supply chain. When…

shoulder pain

Why are my shoulders sore?

You’ve heard your friends describe someone by saying, “He carries the world on his shoulders.” It’s a saying that derives from Greek mythology and it refers to…

neck pain

What Causes Neck Pain?

At one time or another, you’ve undoubtedly muttered to yourself, “What a pain in the neck.” Of course, you’re generally referring to an annoyance, not to a…

shoulder separation

How to Manage a Shoulder Separation

References to shoulders generally touch upon strength: shouldering a burden requires it, as does carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. However,…

driving night

How to Avoid Accidents This Winter

As fall shades into winter, we slowly adjust to the changes in the weather: the colder temperatures, the darkness that greets us each morning and falls early…

stay fit

Stay Fit During the Winter

As the days get shorter and the outdoor temperature drops, there’s no avoiding the truth: Winter is coming. Many of us dislike the combination of dark and cold…

piriformis syndromw

Piriformis Syndrome - a real Pain in the Butt

We’ve all heard people say it, no matter how impolite it may sound, “What a pain in the butt!” However, anyone who is suffering from piriformis syndrome can…

tailbone pain

Tailbone Pain: How can I relieve it?

The technical term for the tailbone is coccyx, which is derived from the Greek word for cuckoo. It was so named because the bone resembles the shape of the…

groin strain

What is a Groin Injury?

The groin, perhaps because of proximity, isn’t a region that is mentioned often in polite conversation. In fact, although it is likely we can all refer to its…

what is a heel spur

What is a Heel Spur?

Do you suffer from heel pain? If so, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, many people try to ignore the early signs of heel pain and keep on doing the activities…

core stability

Why is Core Stability important?

Your core refers to the midsection of your body, front, rear and sides; it connects the upper and lower regions of your body. The core’s major muscle groups…

RICE method

Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation - The RICE Method Explained

RICE is the acronym that stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. It’s a mnemonic, or memory device, that helps you remember quickly what to do when…